to stay


to your own

well being and

to the whole of


we are a collective of practitioners working together to support you and each other in the goal of well being.

the name AiAiA is taken from an island in Homer’s Odyssey. Ulysses is stranded here for a time on his journey home. i came to know the island and it’s many beings much more intimately in Madeline Miller’s book Circe, which is the for the demi-goddess witch that was banished to and came into deep relationship with the island of AiAiA.

in the book, the island is visited by many. gods and goddesses, nymphs, spirit animals, powerful plant allies and humans alike. the island is rich in aliveness, rich in pain and beauty, rich in experiences that are seeped in the magic of transformation.

ultimately, Circe choses to let go of her immortality and become fully human. this choosing to be immersed in humanity and all its complexity, over the glamour and power of living forever, is what struck me most in the story. choosing humanity over immortality is so different from the over-culture messaging, and it feels like a birth rite for each of us to engage with. i want us to have that choice together and to use it. deepening in connection to place and people, allowing them to grow more familiar and more integrated into who we are within a system of living connectedness. Chinese medicine has always been grounded in place, it changes and becomes more reflective of its surroundings wherever it goes. I have found this to be true of my self as well, my environment, the nature, beings and systems i stay closest to, always make their mark.

the healing space that is now named for the island is for all of us - all parts. the divine, the animal, the vegetal, the adult, the child, the ancestors, the tricksters, the gifted parts, the broken parts, and especially the utterly human.

it’s also a collective of healing gifts, each one pouring vitality and connection into the next. on the practitioner side, we each hold total sovereignty in the ways we practice and the ways we run our practices. and yet, the sum of our work under one roof, housed on one island, is what allows for the mystery of healing and gift of deeper connections, to unfold continually.

the vision is that our island will change shape to include more practitioners and more offerings - some in-house and others outside on the land of this beautiful Hudson Valley. stay tuned, as we feel ready to share our newest explorations with you.